Nachdem ich vor den Sommerferien meinen Seminarkurs erfolgreich präsentiert habe (15 Punkte), möchte ich den Source-Code (Version 1) meines Roboters nun auch hier veröffentlichen. Bitte bedenkt, dass ich auf meinem Raspberry Pi B ein PiFace drauf habe. Mit ein paar Anpassungen müsste mein Code aber auch ohne dieses funktionieren. Des öfteren wurde ich gefragt wie es mit dem Pirol nun weiter gehen soll. Nachdem ich jetzt ein neues Gehäuse als 3D-Druck angefertigt habe, muss ich erstmal die Hardware in das neue Gehäuse bauen. Dafür benötige ich neue Motoren und Räder. Außerdem muss ich die Energieversorgung ein wenig umstellen. Wenn dies dann soweit fertig ist wird auch die Software um einige Funktionen (die ich jetzt aber noch nicht näher erzählen möchte) erweitert. Außerdem arbeite ich zur Zeit an einem Softwareupdate für mein PitRadio
Hier der Source-Code
''' Created on Jun 10, 2014 @author: Daniel Schwarz ''' # # # Copyright 2014 by Daniel Schwarz # # Eine weitere Verwendung des Codes bedarf der Genehmigung des Autors # # # import sys import control def Main(): try: try: ctrl = control.Control() ctrl.driveByTentacle() except: print(sys.exc_info()) finally: control.STOP(doExit=True) if __name__ == '__main__': Main()
''' Created on Jun 10, 2014 @author: Daniel Schwarz ''' # # # Copyright 2014 by Daniel Schwarz # # Eine weitere Verwendung des Codes bedarf der Genehmigung des Autors # # # import threading, time, json # import random class Control(object): ''' Zentraler Controller-Thread ''' def __init__(self, cfgFName="pirol.cfg.json"): ''' Constructor ''' # self.motorLeft = Motor("left") # self.motorRight = Motor("right") self.cfg = {} try: cfg_f = open(cfgFName) if cfg_f: self.cfg = json.load(cfg_f) cfg_f.close() except: self.cfg = { "Controller_MaxRunTime_Sec": 30, "TurnAndGo_BackTime_Sec": 0.7, "TurnAndGo_TurnTime_Sec": 0.7, "TurnAndGo_WaitTime_Sec": 1.2 } self.tentacleLeft = Tentacle("left") self.tentacleRight = Tentacle("right") self.motors = Motors(self.cfg) self.doDrive = True timeOut_s = self.cfg.get("Controller_MaxRunTime_Sec", 0) if timeOut_s > 0: self.timeOut = ControlTimeOut(timeOut_s, self) self.timeOut.start() print("Pirol will stop in %s seconds..." % (timeOut_s)) else: print("Pirol will stop only if you press Control-C ...") def driveByTentacle(self): self.motors.go(1, 1) while self.doDrive: tlb = self.tentacleLeft.Back() trb = self.tentacleRight.Back() if tlb or trb: # self.motors.stop() break tlf = self.tentacleLeft.Front() trf = self.tentacleRight.Front() if tlf or trf: print("tentacles: TLF=%s, TRF=%s" % (tlf, trf)) if tlf and trf: self.motors.TurnAndGo("left") continue if tlf and not trf: self.motors.TurnAndGo("right") continue if not tlf and trf: self.motors.TurnAndGo("left") continue time.sleep(0.3) self.motors.stop() class ControlTimeOut(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, timeout_sec, control): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.control = control self.timeout_sec = timeout_sec self.daemon = True def run(self): time.sleep(self.timeout_sec) self.control.doDrive = False self.control.motors.stop() class Tentacle(object): ''' Fuehler ''' def __init__(self, which): ''' Constructor ''' self.which = which self.inpins = { 'left': {'front': 4, 'back': 5}, 'right': {'front': 6, 'back': 7}, } def Front(self): inPinIdx = self.inpins[self.which]['front'] return PiFace.input_pins[inPinIdx].value def Back(self): inPinIdx = self.inpins[self.which]['back'] return PiFace.input_pins[inPinIdx].value class Motors(object): ''' Motor ''' # def __init__(self, cfgFName="pirol.cfg.json"): def __init__(self, cfg): ''' Constructor ''' self.motorLeft = Motor("left") self.motorRight = Motor("right") self.cfg = cfg # try: # cfg_f = open(cfgFName) # if cfg_f: # self.cfg = json.load(cfg_f) # cfg_f.close() # except: # self.cfg = { # "TurnAndGo_BackTime_Sec": 0.7, # "TurnAndGo_TurnTime_Sec": 0.7, # "TurnAndGo_WaitTime_Sec": 1.2 # } def stop(self): self.motorLeft.stop() self.motorRight.stop() # switch off the motor and motor bridge relais PiFace.output_pins[1].value = 0 PiFace.output_pins[0].value = 0 print("Motors.stop(): disabled motors and bridge") def go(self, speedLeft, speedRight): # switch on the motor and motor bridge relais print("Motors.go(%s, %s): enabling motors and bridge" % (speedLeft, speedRight)) PiFace.output_pins[0].value = 1 PiFace.output_pins[1].value = 1 self.motorLeft.go(speedLeft) self.motorRight.go(speedRight) def TurnAndGo(self, direction): print("Motors.TurnAndGo(%s) ..." % (direction)) # stop print("Motors.TurnAndGo(%s): stop!" % (direction)) self.stop() # go back print("Motors.TurnAndGo(%s): go back!" % (direction)) self.go(-1, -1) # time.sleep(0.7) time.sleep( self.cfg["TurnAndGo_BackTime_Sec"] ) # stop print("Motors.TurnAndGo(%s): stop!" % (direction)) self.stop() # turn left 90 degrees print("Motors.TurnAndGo(%s): turn left!" % (direction)) self.go(-1, 1) # time.sleep(0.5) time.sleep( self.cfg["TurnAndGo_TurnTime_Sec"] ) # wait... self.stop() # time.sleep(1.5) time.sleep( self.cfg["TurnAndGo_WaitTime_Sec"] ) # go! self.go(1, 1) print("Motors.TurnAndGo(%s): going straight again ..." % (direction)) def _report(pfd): pass try: import pifacedigitalio PiFace = pifacedigitalio.PiFaceDigital() # creates a PiFace Digtal object report = _report except: import piface_digitalio_fake PiFace = piface_digitalio_fake.PiFaceDigital() # creates a PiFace Digtal stub report = piface_digitalio_fake.Report def STOP(doExit = False): # my_piface.PiFace.output_port.all_off() PiFace.output_port.all_off() if doExit: exit() def panic(msg): print(msg) STOP(True) class Motor(threading.Thread): """ Motor object with its own thread """ def __init__(self, side): """ Motor object, side is 'left' or 'right' """ threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.firstPin = 3 self.side_s = side if side == "left": self.side = 1 self.handicap = 1 # 2 elif side == "right": self.side = 0 self.handicap = 1 else: panic("Motor: unknown side '%s'!" % side) self.pinIdx1 = self.firstPin + self.side * 2 self.pinIdx2 = self.firstPin + self.side * 2 + 1 self.speed = 0 self.speedLock = threading.RLock() self.started = False self.daemon = True def startRunning(self, direction): """ go with full speed for forSeconds seconds (e.g. 2.5) direction: 0 ==>> forward, 1 ==>> backward """ pinVal1 = direction * self.handicap pinVal2 = (direction + 1) % 2 * self.handicap #--pinVal1old = PiFace.output_pins[self.pinIdx1].value #--pinVal2old = PiFace.output_pins[self.pinIdx2].value # my_piface.PiFace.output_pins[self.pinIdx1].value = pinVal1 # my_piface.PiFace.output_pins[self.pinIdx2].value = pinVal2 PiFace.output_pins[self.pinIdx1].value = pinVal1 PiFace.output_pins[self.pinIdx2].value = pinVal2 #-print("Motor.startRunning(): i%d=%s, i%d=%s" % ( #- self.pinIdx1, pinVal1, self.pinIdx2, pinVal2)) def _goFullThrottle(self, direction, forSeconds): """ go with full speed for forSeconds seconds (e.g. 2.5) direction: 0 ==>> forward, 1 ==>> backward """ #-pinVal1 = direction #-pinVal2 = (direction + 1) % 2 #-pinVal1old = PiFace.output_pins[self.pinIdx1].value #-pinVal2old = PiFace.output_pins[self.pinIdx2].value #-PiFace.output_pins[self.pinIdx1].value = pinVal1 #-PiFace.output_pins[self.pinIdx2].value = pinVal2 self.startRunning(direction) time.sleep(forSeconds) self.stop() def stop(self): """ stop the motor """ self._setSpeed(0) def __stop(self): """ stop the motor """ # my_piface.PiFace.output_pins[self.pinIdx1].value = 0 ## pinVal1old # my_piface.PiFace.output_pins[self.pinIdx2].value = 0 ## pinVal2old PiFace.output_pins[self.pinIdx1].value = 0 ## pinVal1old PiFace.output_pins[self.pinIdx2].value = 0 ## pinVal2old # def stop(self): # """ # stop the motor # """ # self.go(0, 0) def go(self, speed): """ start going with a certain speed between -1 and 1; negative speed means going backwards """ with self.speedLock: if not self.started: self.start() self.started = True print("Motor.%s: speed=%s" % (self.side_s, speed)) self._setSpeed(speed) # def __go(self, direction, speed, secsToGo): # """ # go slowly # direction: 0 ==>> forward, 1 ==>> backward # speed: 0 ==>> stop, 0.5 ==>> half, 1 ==>> full throttle # """ # if speed < 0 or speed > 1: # panic("Motor.go: speed (%s) is not between 0 and 1!" % speed) # # interval = 0.02 # seconds # goSecs = interval * speed # waitSecs = interval * (1 - speed) # secsGone = 0 # while secsGone < secsToGo: # self.goFullThrottle(direction, goSecs) # time.sleep(waitSecs) # secsGone += goSecs + waitSecs def _setSpeed(self, speed): if speed < -1 or speed > 1: panic("Motor.setSpeed(%s): invalid speed!" % speed) with self.speedLock: self.speed = speed # print("Motor.%s: speed=%s" % (self.side_s, speed)) def _getSpeed(self): with self.speedLock: if self.speed >= 0: direction = 0 else: direction = 1 return abs(self.speed), direction ##--(self.speed < 0) def run(self): interval = 0.2 # seconds while True: speed, direction = self._getSpeed() goSecs = interval * speed waitSecs = interval * (1 - speed) self._goFullThrottle(direction, goSecs) time.sleep(waitSecs) # secsGone += goSecs + waitSecs
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